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mech2161 09-04-2005 08:46 PM

Legal to run dyed # 2
check out the link!,00.html

Antacus 09-04-2005 10:57 PM

So where does one go to get dyed fuel and with no tax that mean it is $0.24 cheaper then normal diesel? Is the only diff the dye or can it hurt the truck any?

99_EB_EXPY 09-04-2005 11:00 PM

Still have to pay 24.4 cents tax though, whoopty frickin'doo! :-roll

Ford_Doctor 09-04-2005 11:16 PM

The problem with "off road" fuel is that you cannot guarantee the quality or the *purity* of the fuel. Usually the source of off road fuel is the culprit. Leaking tanks, tanks laden with water and organic impurities and dirt. Do you know how old the fuel is? It is also not uncommon for large companies or off name suppliers to dump left over refining sludge and sometimes worse, chemicals of unknown origin into diesel fuel tanks. }> Hmmm, is it really worth it? How well do you know and trust your fuel source? :confused: Water and chemicals that cause damage to injectors will almost always damage all eight. An entire set of injectors will send up a flaming red flag to the warranty police and generally are never covered under warranty! :eek: A 6.0L PSD is NOT your Grand Pappy's Farm All tractor.

mech2161 09-05-2005 12:24 AM

Find a fuel distributor. It's normally .60+ cents cheaper around here. Heck there is a service station here selling it.

mech2161 09-05-2005 12:29 AM

Originally Posted by Ford_Doctor
The problem with "off road" fuel is that you cannot guarantee the quality or the *purity* of the fuel. Usually the source of off road fuel is the culprit. Leaking tanks, tanks laden with water and organic impurities and dirt. Do you know how old the fuel is? It is also not uncommon for large companies or off name suppliers to dump left over refining sludge and sometimes worse, chemicals of unknown origin into diesel fuel tanks. }> Hmmm, is it really worth it? How well do you know and trust your fuel source? :confused: Water and chemicals that cause damage to injectors will almost always damage all eight. An entire set of injectors will send up a flaming red flag to the warranty police and generally are never covered under warranty! :eek: A 6.0L PSD is NOT your Grand Pappy's Farm All tractor.

I call this BS! It's the same fuel with dye added. If you don't want to use it and save money don't scare everyone else. If I knew someone would post this ---- I wouldn't have even posted it.:mad:

150ford 09-05-2005 12:33 AM

So if I have this fuel in my tank I wont get fined it will be legal. Can anybody clarify this?

mech2161 09-05-2005 12:35 AM

Click on the link in the first post and print it out.

BigF350 09-05-2005 01:52 AM

Guys - no need to get angry now is there?

ford390gashog 09-05-2005 02:10 AM

there is only 2 differences between red dye and regular diesel. the red dye is red(duh) and it has a high sulfer content which is also why most trucks that run it use CF rated oil to deal with the extra sulfer.

AzBaddBoy 09-05-2005 04:57 AM


Ford_Doctor 09-05-2005 07:40 AM

Originally Posted by mech2161
I call this BS! It's the same fuel with dye added. If you don't want to use it and save money don't scare everyone else. If I knew someone would post this c r a p I wouldn't have even posted it.

You missed the point entirely. KNOW WHERE YOUR FUEL IS COMING FROM! Since it has been deemed legal for you to run off road diesel just be careful where you get your fuel from. If you can buy it from a filling station or distributor, great! But don't go and get fuel from a buddies farm tank or some businesses tank where you don't know how long it's been sitting there or what has been put in it.

As for your response I apologize for stepping on your toes or annoying you. I thought I was looking out for you guys by offering my advice. I also don't think it's in this communities best interest to call another member's post "BS" or "c r a p." If you disagree, just say so and then post some intelligent thoughts as to why. :-X22

mech2161 09-05-2005 09:31 AM

"You missed the point entirely. KNOW WHERE YOUR FUEL IS COMING FROM! Since it has been deemed legal for you to run off road diesel just be careful where you get your fuel from. If you can buy it from a filling station or distributor, great! But don't go and get fuel from a buddies farm tank or some businesses tank where you don't know how long it's been sitting there or what has been put in it."
This is what should have been said and I wouldn't have gotten so defensive.

5moons 09-05-2005 02:36 PM

According to our manuals, whether it is legal or not, if you were to have say an injector problem while running it and brought the truck in for service and they found it, it still voids the warranty correct? I ran it in the old 7.3 which was out of warranty, but hesitate to run it in the new 6.0, especially while it's under warranty.

Dave Sponaugle 09-05-2005 02:59 PM

I hate to tell you that the 24.4 cents is just the fed portion of the highway use tax.
The state is who collects the tax, the state is who fines you if you are running it.
Yes the IRS is going to not fine you if you pay the 24.4 cents per gallon, but the article did not say the states would not.

WV charges about 51.3 cents per gallon tax. The IRS portion is 24.4 cents, so that leaves 26.9 cents per gallon that would have to be paid to WV to be legal.

Also I run heavy equipment that does burn red fuel. The stains in your tank are very hard to get rid of. I would not recommend you use red if regular fuel is available for a couple of reasons.
First you need to go through a big deal to pay the tax.
Second if you get stopped in a red fuel check, you are going to have a very big ordeal to get it straight with the state.
Third you may have to replace fuel tank components to get rid of the dye or go through a big deal every time you go through a fuel check.
Fourth when you pay the state and federal tax on red, it will be the same cost as regular fuel, but you will have expended time and money to pay the road tax which will make it cost much more than clear fuel does in the first place.

These fuel checks are becoming a regular thing here with the increased price of fuel.

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